Thursday 15 December 2011

Bulbs Light Up The Darkness...

Winter really can be gloomy, dark and take a lot of effort to get through.  Especially for us gardeners out there!  There is very little work for us to do, shorter days, longer nights.  We are propelled in to a state of perpetual darkness.
However, we should not let this dampen our spirits for we can prepare to brighten up the darkness and lift our spirits for the upcoming months. The answer is bulbs! 
I have a fond admiration for bulbs, as to me they are a glimmer of hope that spring is around the corner and their enchanting array of colours inspire me and leave me longing for warmer days ahead. 
We at the museum would be at a loss without bulbs as the knot garden does peak at late spring/ early summer so there needs to be something to fill the void through the autumn/ winter period.  Due to some technical errors with ordering stock, we have been a little late receiving the order.
Fear not however, as soon as the order arrived we got to work straight away, with back breaking anticipation to get the bulbs in the ground.  Man has now done his work; it is up to nature to do the rest.  Over the next couple of months we will have surprises, little gems of colour popping up all over the Garden Museum, being the opening act of a horticultural 2012.
We have planted hundreds of bulbs around the gardens of the museum so look out for the following over the next couple of months;
Tulipa acuminata
Gladioulus byzanthius
Muscari camosum
Nectaroscordum siculum
Tulipa ‘Flaming Parrot’
Tulipa West Point
Narcissus ‘Golden harvest’
Eremurus stenophyllus
Fritillaria persica
Fritillaria lutea
Fritillaria aurora

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