Sunday 18 March 2012

A Tree-mendous Adventure - Day 2

After crashing out at 9pm, I felt recharged and refreshed ready to do a full day’s work.  I arrived on site at 06:45, ready to begin work at 07:00.  There is no time to waste in Germany, this is one reason why the whole operation is so efficient, absolutely no time wasting!

I was then put with a team ready to do a day of tree lifting.  Once I established my position in the team, we got a good system going.  The machine that collects the tree from the ground is a monster.  It is essentially four pneumatic shovels put together which closes around the tree and buries itself into the soil like a knife through butter.  It closes around the tree roots and lifts it out in one whole scoop.  If a human was to try this then they would not get very far. 

Once lifted from the ground, the tree is then taken over to the netting and wire which will encase the root ball, thus protecting it from any damage during transportation.  The wire is then tightened round the root ball using a drill with a hook drill-piece which tightens the whole thing.

After this, the tree is then gently lowered to the ground where the crown can be tied together with rope, thus eliminating any damage during transportation once more.

Moreover, the machine will then pick up the tree(s) and it is ready to be distributed all over the world, depending where that may be.  A great majority of Von Ehrens’ clients are from the UK.

This process was repeated all day and in all we managed to bag up 40 mature trees.  Slow and steady really does win the race in this instance, as trying to complete the task quickly results in damage to the trees.  The trees which we were handling are €5000, so it is best to take your time.

After a busy day, the end of the working day was upon us.  This time I managed to find my way back to the hotel with no surprises along the way.  Ready for another day of it tomorrow.

Pictures to follow.

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