Tuesday 31 January 2012

Orchard Dene Nursery - November 2011

Located in the beautiful English countryside of Henley resides Orchard Dene Nurseries.  This specialist perennial plant nursery is ran by the lovely Chris and Toby.  Their underpinning knowledge of plants is the reason why the nursery is still going strong after 25 years in the business.

The nursery produces a wide range of hardy perennials, grasses and ferns, with over 1400 different plants, selected and grown for their design merits as 'landscape performance plants.'  The nursery does not endorse a commercial approach, rather adopting to growing plants to suit and meet demands of top garden/ landscape designers.

The site in Henley includes stock beds, growing tunnels, propagation facilities and planted display areas. 

I was very privileged to spend the day with Chris and Toby down in Henley and they were very generous with their time.  They had a variety of tasks for me to complete, ranging from cleaning out the beds, weeding the plants, preparing orders, printing labels.  Even though this was in November and things were beginning to wind down, there was still a vast amount to complete.

It is not only until you see how a nursery operates that you realise just how much work has to go into it to make it work.  It is not the type of job that when you have done the 9-5 that is it.  There are always things that need to be done.

It is a testament that Orchard Dene is still one of leading suppliers of plants to top designers, with their extensive knowledge and high quality perennial plants, the nursery will remain one of the leading competitors in the industry.

Visit at

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