Tuesday 31 January 2012

Winfield House - December 2011

When it comes to Christmas, there is no one who does Christmas decorations like the Americans.  This is exactly the case when it came to decorating the U.S Ambassador's residency at Winfield House for the festive season.  Basically, the rule of thumb is 'bigger is better'.

Steven and myself had the task of decorating two mammoth Nordmann Firs.  One for the gold room, and one for the children.  Additionally, we also had to decorate the staircase with festive wreaths, berries, pine cones and holly.  As you can imagine, the staircase in the house was not a small one.

I must admit, I do love putting up the Christmas tree.  It gets you in the festive spirit and puts you in a good mood.  However, nothing quite compares to the scale of these trees.  I salvaged every moment of decorating the house as I may never get to do it again so I did not want to waste this opportunity.

It took three days, wrestling with ladders, baubles, teddies, fir needles, lights, holly, berries and just about everything else associated with Christmas, but we completed it.  It was worth all the (surprisingly) hard work and it looked spectacular when finished.

It was a thoroughly enjoyable experience, one to really put you in the Christmas mood and was a lot of fun.  A moment that I will not forget.  Christmas will always seem so small from now on, it just does not compare to the size and splendour of Winfield House.

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